What’s Up With That WIRED Brandon Sanderson Profile?

Anne Marble
5 min readMar 25, 2023

On March 23, WIRED posted a profile of best-selling fantasy author Brandon Sanderson. It generated many negative responses. And some praise. (More on that later.)

A screen cap showing the author name and title. The top shows the author name(Jason Kehe), the category Backchannel, and the date and time (Mar 23, 2023, 6:00 a.m.) The title says “Brandon Sanderson Is Your God,” and the subtitle states, “He’s the biggest fantasy writer in the world. He’s also very Mormon. These things are profoundly related.”
The Title and Subtitle of the WIRED Article. (Source: Screen cap by the Author.)

Note: I wrote about Brandon Sanderson and his record-breaking Kickstarter for Medium in the article Fantasy Author Brandon Sanderson Breaks Kickstarter Records.



Anne Marble

I’m a writer and a copy editor with experience in editing science and engineering articles. Click Lists to find my most popular articles. And hidden gems.