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Trigger Warnings: A Tale of Two Communities
Many in the horror community despise the very concept of trigger warnings. Yet fans and readers in the dark romance subgenre thrive on using trigger warnings.
Trigger Warning: This article discusses trigger warnings. Some people are triggered by that.
Trigger Warnings in the Horror Community
In some parts of the horror fiction field, discussions about triggers always fall into chaos. Especially in the extreme horror and splatterpunk communities. Many authors and readers believe trigger warnings are terrible. Some equate them to censorship. Others insult fans who dare ask for trigger warnings.
These discussions can get messy. Not to mention frustrating as they often retread the same ground. If I see one more post that says something like “You shouldn’t be reading horror if you need trigger warnings…” I’m going to hurl.
Yes, of course I know it’s a horror story. rolls eyes
Yet if you’re a fan of horror fiction, you know that horror is a wide field. Is it a Victorian or Edwardian ghost story where all the spookiness is merely suggested, such as an M. R. James tale? Quiet horror, like a Charles L. Grant story? Mainstream horror, like Stephen King? Or is it balls-to-the-walls extreme horror or splatterpunk, like Edward…