Romance Novelist Murdered by Husband
One of the forgotten victims of domestic violence is Nancy Richards-Akers, a romance novelist who lived in Washington, D.C. On Saturday, June 5, 1999, her husband, Jeremy Akers, shot and killed her. Hours later, Akers killed himself near the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the National Mall.
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Estrangement and Warning Signs
As so often happens, Nancy knew she was in danger. She didn’t want her three children to see her murdered in front of them. He had already hit her in front of her children. So she decided to leave him, find another place, and ask for a divorce, no doubt knowing that would enrage her husband even more. Like many victims of domestic violence, she probably knew that many abusers become more violent when their partners leave.
Yet Nancy saw no other alternative. Months before her murder, she told a friend, “He threatened to kill me, broke my nose, and I was basically a hostage in my own house…” This was just one of many similar emails she sent to concerned friends. She had a hard time finding a place to live because some friends were also afraid of her husband.
Despite those obstacles, Nancy met another guy. Somebody who was finally the right guy for her. They planned to make a…