Is Bella Forrest the Most Popular Author You’ve Never Heard Of?

Anne Marble
5 min readApr 26, 2022

What if I told you there as an author who has written more than 90 books in one series alone? That author is Bella Forrest, who publishes in several genres.

Bella Forrest is a self-published author who writes vampire and paranormal romance, young adult fantasy, and science fiction. Among other things. According to her Goodreads author page, she has sold more than 7 million books.

Bella Forrest has several series, including Darklight; Harley Merlin and the Secret Coven; and Gender Games.

But she might be best known for the one that started it all, her A Shade Of Vampire series. That series started in 2012, and it is already up to book 91 (A Gate of Light). That isn’t a typo. There are 91 books in that series, and it hasn’t been completed yet.

But Book 91, A Gate of Light, came out in May 2020. For such a prolific author, that’s a long period without a new book.

Is there a mystery there?

How I Learned About Bella Forrest

I used to run into ads for the A Shade of Vampire series often. Then, I saw ads for a dystopian SF novel called The Gender Game by Bella Forrest. I loved The Hunger Games, so I was tempted at first. Then, for whatever reason, I decided against taking a chance on this series. I had also seen ads for the A Shade of Vampire series.

So I put Bella Forrest in the back of my mind for a while.



Anne Marble

I’m a writer and a copy editor with experience in editing science and engineering articles. Click Lists to find my most popular articles. And hidden gems.