How I Learned About Adult Star Trek Fanzines

A Trek Through the Weird 1970s

Anne Marble
5 min read4 days ago

In the 1970s, I could read wild paperback novels with bonkers sex scenes and violent fight scenes. But I was too young to buy adult Star Trek fanzines.

A black-and-white photo of Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner portraying Spock and Kirk. They are standing behind a model of the original USS Enterprise (NCC-1701).
Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner as Spock and Kirk in a Photo from NBC Television. (Source: Wikimedia; Public Domain.)

But First, an Interlude About 1970s Weirdness



Anne Marble

I’m a writer and a copy editor with experience in editing science and engineering articles. Click Lists to find my most popular articles. And hidden gems.