Fritz Leiber and Fritz Leiber and The Phantom of the Opera

Anne Marble
5 min readNov 30, 2022

Writer Fritz Leiber. The Phantom of the Opera. How are they connected? Or are they? Perhaps the answer is behind that mirror. Or hidden in a cellar beneath the Paris Opera

A movie poster for the 1943 version of The Phantom of the Opera. Claude Rains is shown looming large, wearing a green mask. The other actors are shown to the left. The brightly colored poster states “in Technicolor” below the bright yellow title and lists the stars as Nelson Eddy, Susanna Foster, and Claude Rains.
A Movie Poster for 1943 The Phantom of the Opera. (Source: Wikipedia, Fair Use.)

The Phantom and Me

When I was in junior high, I was a huge Phantom of the Opera geek. (OK, I still am.) I discovered the story because a local TV station showed the 1943 version of The Phantom of the Opera starring Claude Rains. I even memorized the names of many of the costars. And begged my father until he agreed to take me to a special showing of the movie at a local community college.

Then, of course, I somehow managed to see the famous 1925 The Phantom of the Opera with Lon Chaney, Sr. (Back then, you couldn’t just watch it for free online.) Many fans consider this one the version of the movie. While I’m partial to the 1943 version, the Chaney version is a better movie. It’s also closer to the book than any version I know.

Following that, I read the original novel — which was hard to find back then as it was in a sort of gray area: out of print but not in the public domain yet. Dad had to request it from the library, and the librarians had to go to (of course!) the cellar to find it. Dad joked that, like the Phantom, the librarian had to go “five cellars down.”



Anne Marble

I’m a writer and a copy editor with experience in editing science and engineering articles. Click Lists to find my most popular articles. And hidden gems.