Member-only story
A Twisted Take on Funny Tech Support Tales
We love it when tech support steps in and saves the day. But did you ever feel as if the tech support people were mocking you for needing help?
Yes, I know that many customers are assholes. Also, even normal people turn into assholes when their tech stops working. Unfortunately, some of the people that customers have to call may also be assholes…
Fun Tales of Tech Support?
There are lots of places with stupid tech support stories, like these tech support anecdotes on Not Always Right. Or these funny tech support tales from Buzzfeed. Or the astoundingly dumb list of questions in The Dumbest IT Questions Ever. Not to mention articles like 30 Times When IT Workers Couldn’t Resist Face-Palming At The Requests They Got, As Shared In This Online Group from Bored Panda.
Some of these stories are ridiculously funny — you find yourself commiserating with the tech support people who have to deal with people who can’t figure out that they should plug in the computer before getting them to work.
It feels good to hear about an angry CEO who blames the IT Department for all his problems — only to learn that the connection problems started because he forgot to pay his bill. We’ve all dealt with ignorant executives. So we love seeing them pay the price. Call it schadenfreude. Some…